Atharv’s Chronicle 07-07-2024 “How to build an Asymmetric Life”

“How to build an Asymmetric Life”

Welcome to this edition of my newsletter!

Last week, I watched a great talk on Youtube and I would love to share those insights with you guys. It’s part of the “last lecture” series from Stanford Business School, presented by a brilliant speaker, Graham Weaver.

I recommend everyone to give it a watch, it has a potential to shift our perspective.

Here are the key Takeaways

Building an Asymmetric Life: The Four Pillars

  1. Do Hard Work
  2. Do Your Work
  3. Do It for Decades
  4. Write Your Story

Do Hard Work: There’s no substitute for this. Anyone who’s achieved massive success in work or in life has had to work hard for it.

Do Your Work: Life is suffering. Choose to do things worth suffering for. Put your energy into work that aligns with your values, work that gives you a sense of purpose and meaning. This is your “work” in the grand scheme of life. identify your playing field and produce a master work.

Do It for Decades: “If you genuinely love something and do it for 10+ years, there’s almost no way you won’t succeed at it”. There’s immense value in playing the long game, letting time compound your work into something extraordinary.

Write Your Story: Write down your vision, set your goals, and take control of your life’s narrative. Writing helps you clarify your thoughts and makes your goals tangible. It allows you to steer your life in the direction you want, rather than just going along for the ride.

This talk is filled with inspiring and actionable insights, if you want to watch just one thing this week, consider this!

Have a great week!

Quote of the week 💬

You’re remembered for your actions, not your words – Be the person whose actions are always louder than their words.

Learning of the Week 📝 

My learning from this week is that – life gets tough, and we should learn to embrace it and we can’t escape the obstacles. Each hurdle we encounter is an opportunity to grow stronger. struggles are a part of the human experience and they shape our character. 

Book/Blog I am reading currently: 📚

I started reading ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever

lot of insights and learnings.

My Week in Pictures! 📸

In this section, I share my week in pictures, for those who prefer pictures over text. 

I view this part as a combination of journaling and a visual diary of my personal experiences. My days often follow a repetitive pattern, yet each experience brings a unique perspective.

Photo from my gym session! 

7.5k steps daily average!

My Love for pizzzaaa never ends!

I always wonder looking at nature!

Perfect balcony view doesn’t exis…..

Yeh mausam ki baarish❤️

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